On 23 February 1999 in Brussel’s historic medieval Hotel de Ville ( Town Hall) as part of the Year-round celebrations…
Voici l’interview de Giovanni Strigari accordée au Temps en 1999 à l’occasion de la conférence organisée à Genève de célébration…
Do you remember the SITA office in New York, prestigiously located at 500, 5th Avenue? Hereunder the lobby of building…
Our friend Jack de Witte is talking with expressive hands! This was an ARASITA dinner which took place on 13th…
Véronique Loiseleur worked as a secretary on a temporary basis in the Operations department in Paris around 1983/1985. From my…
Do you remember that at Paris head Office we had tea and coffee served to our office. The person who…
Voyager en GP pour des missions était notre lot commun. Mais les péripéties que ces conditions de voyage généraient, nous…
SITA in Geneva: vous souvenez-vous de vos collègues à Genève en 1999? Alors prenez le temps de parcourir ce trombinoscope…
Dear Friends, we have posted the latest news from ARASITA France: see the bulletin n° 36 in the ARASITA Group!…