Monthly Archives: February 2017
Une négociation de Jacques Hagiarian

Le dernier bulletin d’ARASITA France de février 2017 nous apprend que Jacques Hagiarian nous a quitté le 14 juillet 2016….

Routing in the SITA Network – part 2: DTN Phase 3 Routing

When the DTN was implemented in the early 80’s, it used the same routing as the HLN: this was the…

Bulletin ARASITA France n° 37 février 2017

Chers Amis, Voici le bulletin ARASITA France n° 37 de février 2017. Je vous souhaite une agréable lecture:

A bunch of old SITA friends meeting in Geneva

We recently met in Geneva, at Patrick&Kathy’s initiative, to celebrate the Chinese New Year and an old friendship!  

Routing in the SITA network – part 1: do you remember the best routes tables?

Routing in the SITA network was based on the use of “best routes tables”. However the production of these tables…

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