Michael Thwaites
  • Michael Thwaites posted an update in the group Group logo of Far EastFar East 8 years, 5 months ago

    Souvenirs of my trips to Japan to negotiate with KDD

    I went to Tokyo quite a few times in the late 1970s, firstly as part of a delegation led by Koen Molenaar, with Ruedi and one or two other SITA directors , to K.D.D. to negotiate the transfer from K.D.D. control to SITA of the Tokyo center. The first of the negotiations, lasting a week, took…[Read more]

    • Hello Mike,
      Yes indeed martial arts are important in the Japanese culture. I remember travelling there with Giovanni Strigari, in the 80’s, as part of the Future Network study (preparing for what became the MTN), to meet Japanese manufacturers (Fujitsu, NEC, etc) and operators (NTT and KDD). One evening at a restaurant with the representative of…[Read more]

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