Bernard Leroy joined the group
wikisita SAM and Spanish speaking 7 years, 10 months ago
Rosa Delgado joined the group
wikisita SAM and Spanish speaking 7 years, 11 months ago
Jean-Michel Kaliszewski uploaded the file: Une négociation de Jacques Hagiarian to
Anecdotes / Stories 7 years, 12 months ago
Le dernier bulletin d’ARASITA de février 2017 nous apprend que Jacques Hagiarian nous a quitté le 14 juillet 2016. Jacques Hagiarian nous laisse le souvenir d’une personne très souriante, aimable et toujours de bonne humeur. Mais c’était aussi un négociateur redoutable et un souvenir m’est revenu à ce sujet.
Jean-Michel Kaliszewski deleted the file: Une négociation de Jacques Hagiarian from
Anecdotes / Stories 7 years, 12 months ago
Jean-Michel Kaliszewski uploaded the file: Routing in the SITA Network – part 2: DTN Phase 3 Routing to
Anecdotes / Stories 7 years, 12 months ago
When the DTN was implemented in the early 80’s, it used the same routing as the HLN: this was the DTN Phase 1. Then I worked on studying, defining and specifying a new routing algorithm for the DTN, which was implemented as DTN Phase 3 Routing. Phase 3 routing brought performance improvements as well as an easier management of the routing tables.…[Read more]
Jean-Michel Kaliszewski deleted the file: Routing in the SITA network – part 1: do you remember the best routes tables? from
Anecdotes / Stories 8 years ago
Santiago Albornoz uploaded the file: S.I.T.A. y Latinoamérica to
wikisita SAM and Spanish speaking 8 years ago
Me parece interesante rememorar como fue el desarrollo de SITA en esta parte del mundo, al menos en la que yo intervine, implementación que tuvo que vencer en varios países la oposición de las Administraciones Nacionales Aeronáuticas y en otros superar difíciles obstáculos administrativos.
Santiago Albornoz uploaded the file: First developments of SITA in South America (English) to
wikisita SAM and Spanish speaking 8 years ago
I find it interesting to look back and recall how SITA was first developed in this region of world. Thinking of my input in our company’s development, I can’t help but remember the opposition that we faced from the National Aeronautics Administrations and other agencies across various countries. Understanding how tough our challenges were, I fin…[Read more]
Your article shows many similarities between the South American and the Far Eastern environments as we were facing the same difficulties with the Telecoms Authorities when trying to expand SITA operations into new countries. SITA has been a pioneer in that field at a time when the PTTs or similar organisations were holding an absolute monopoly. In…[Read more]
Santiago Albornoz joined the group
wikisita SAM and Spanish speaking 8 years ago
Santiago Albornoz joined the group
Anecdotes / Stories 8 years ago
Pierre Flahaut uploaded the file: Enigme: cette signature aparait sur un objet mystérieux: lequel et a qui a-t-il appartenu? to
Anecdotes / Stories 8 years, 2 months ago
Cette signature se trouve sur un objet qui a appartenu à un membre Arasita
Cette signature date de 1972… elle se trouve sur un objet qui nous a été offert à Londres par John Friend..
J’ai retrouvé cet objet dans un carton « Sita » que je n’avais pas ouvert.
Soit le propriétaire se reconnait et me fait signe, soit quelqu’un de l’équipe du mom…[Read more] -
Neville Powell edited the file: Account Manager Team in 1989 in
Anecdotes / Stories 8 years, 2 months ago
Neville Powell uploaded the file: Account Manager Team in 1989 to
Anecdotes / Stories 8 years, 2 months ago
Do you remember the creation of the Marketing Division, headed by Jean-Pierre Gaudard, at SITA with the Global Account Manager Team?
Here they are meeting in Beaconsfield in UK in 1989!
Can y<ou name them all? -
Neville Powell joined the group
Anecdotes / Stories 8 years, 2 months ago
François Jean Beaumont posted an update in the group
Anecdotes / Stories 8 years, 3 months ago
Bernard Leroy,
Votre réponse correspond tout à fait à mon attente, elle révèle le travail de bâtisseur de réseaux que vous avez accompli dans cette immense territoire qu’est l’Asie et ce n’est qu’une partie. Respect Monsieur.
FJ Beaumont -
Joseph Conrad uploaded the file: Titre to
Anecdotes / Stories 8 years, 3 months ago
Joseph Conrad deleted the file: Demo from
Anecdotes / Stories 8 years, 3 months ago
François Jean Beaumont uploaded the file: Les débuts de SITA en Asie et Orient et le parcours de François Jean Beaumont to
Anecdotes / Stories 8 years, 3 months ago
J’ai travaillé dans un des premiers centres radio de SITA, celui de Saïgon; je relate ici mon vécu.
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