My last project at SITA (while it was taking a dip in “the icy water of egotistical calculation” (from Karl Marx))

Company referentials were introduced at SITA in the early 2000’s.
I was involved in this project because I needed these referentials to improve activity and revenue reporting and forecasting, which had become my responsibility at that time.
Here is the story…


I joined SITA Paris in June 1978 as an engineer in the Technical Studies department which was then managed by Georges Giraudbit. After developping planning tools for the HLN and later the DTN, I led the design and implementation of the new routing algorithm of the DTN. Later my team delivered the strategy and specification for migrating the network from airline specific protocols to open standards, and whichalso served for the RFP for the MTN. After working on developing projects for non-airline customers, I moved to SITA Geneva in 1999, in marketing and later fiance departments. In 2004 i left SITA to join IATA in Geneva. With IATA I first worked on launching and developing a new business based on providing credit card payment services to travel agencies. Then I moved to IT, in charge of all data management for successfully.implementing SAP at IATA. Once that project was over I joined the Cargo department at IATA, in charge of Technical developments. Having worked both at SITA and IATA has been a very unique experience for me!

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