Welcome to WikiSITA

Latest publications:

13/02/2025 : Chers Amis, nous avons appris la triste nouvelle de la disparition de notre ami et ancien collègue Jean-Paul Schittenhelm. Jean-Paul est décédé à Bangkok le 4 février 2025 dans sa 89ième année. Nous adressons à sa famille et à ses proches nos plus profondes et sincères condoléances. Vous trouverez les témoignages et messages de sympathie dans le post consacré à sa disparition: https://wikisita.com/deces-de-jean-paul-schittenhelm-04-02-2025-temoignages-et-messages-de-sympathie/

08/01/2025: Le WiFi haut débit dans les avions en 2025: https://lesfrancais.press/air-france-met-le-cap-sur-le-haut-debit-dans-ses-avions/?utm_campaign=Hebdo%20349%2F

Aircom, Satcom et OnAir on fait leur temps. Place à Starlink et … Elon Musk!

08/01/2025: Chers amis, Bonne et heureuse année 2025 à tous et à vos proches avec la santé et beaucoup de joie et de sérénité!

Dear All, Happy New Year 2025 and best wishes for a good health, a lot of joy and serenity to all of you and your loved ones!

08/01/2025: Comme annoncé dans un courriel en septembre dernier, j’aoi organisé une conférence sur les arts martiaux japonais à Nice en septembre 2024: https://wikisita.com/arts-martiauxl-de-la-dimension-spirituelle-aux-sports-de-combats/

11/12/2024: Nous avons appris la très triste nouvelle du décès de notre ami et ancien collègue Marcel Mandelcwajg. Marcel s’est éteint à l’âge de 83 ans des suites d’une maladie d’Alzheimer. Condoléances et témoignages: https://wikisita.com/deces-de-marcel-mandelcwajg-11-12-2024-temoignages-et-messages-de-sympathie/

11/09/2024: Nous venons d’apprendre la très triste nouvelle décès de notre ami et ancien collègue Joachim Brandt. Joachim s’est éteint hier lundi 9 septembre à l’âge de 84 ans, des suites d’une hémorragie interne.

Joachim a eu une longue carrière au sein de SITA et exercé de très importantes responsabilités, au siège à Paris en particulier, dont celle de VP Ingénierie. Joachim vivait ces dernières années en Ardèche, entouré de l’affection de sa fille Olivia et de ses deux petits enfants.

Nous gardons le souvenir d’une personne chaleureuse et très souriante et dont le sérieux, l’intégrité et l’exigence et au premier chef à l’égard de lui-même, n’altérait pas son ouverture et sa bienveillance à l’égard de ses collègues et amis. Le sourire de Joachim et ses joyeux éclats de rire restent dans nos coeurs.

Nous exprimons à Olivia et ses enfants, ainsi qu’à toute sa famille et nombreux amis, notre profonde sympathie et nos plus sincères condoléances.


We have just learned of the very sad news of the death of our friend and former colleague Joachim Brandt. Joachim passed away yesterday, Monday, September 9, at the age of 84, following an internal hemorrhage.

Joachim had a long career within Sita and held very important responsibilities, at the headquarters in Paris in particular, including that of VP Engineering. Joachim lived in Ardèche in recent years, surrounded by the affection of his daughter Olivia and his two grandchildren.

We remember a warm and very smiling person whose seriousness, integrity and high standards, first and foremost towards himself, did not alter his openness and kindness towards his colleagues and friends. the smiling face of Joachim and his joyful bursts of laughter remain in our hearts.

We express to Olivia and her children, as well as to all his family and many friends, our deepest sympathy and our most sincere condolences.


29/09/2024: Nous avons aussi perdu cet été notre ami et ancien collègue Gérard Gallot, décédé le 8 juillet 2024 à l’âge de 84 ans. Gérard était une personnalité très chaleureuse et dynamique, aimant la vie et avec un regard pétillant de gentillesse et d’humour. Gérard a travaillé au siège de SITA à Paris, dans le département des opérations, dirigeant le service responsable des mises “online” des réseaux HLN puis DTN. A la retraite Gérard s’était retiré à Vannes depuis quelques années. Nous exprimons à sa famille et à ses proches amis notre sympathie et nos plus sincères condoléances.

Témoignages: https://wikisita.com/deces-de-gerard-gallot-8-juillet-2024-temoignages/

28/08/2024: Notre ami et ancien collègue Gilles Roy vient de décéder et nous exprimons notre sympathie et nos sincères condoléances à sa famille et à ses proches amis. Gilles avait effectué sa carrière au siège de SITA à Paris ainsi qu’en Asie, basé à Singapour. Nous gardons le souvenir d’une personne joviale et enthousiaste, à l’esprit curieux et toujours à la recherche d’opportunités intéressantes pour SITA.

Témoignages/testimonials: https://wikisita.com/deces-de-gilles-roy-temoignages/

26.06.2024: A visit to IATA and meeting a former colleague: Maria Zitkova: https://wikisita.com/a-visit-to-iata/

26.06.2024: La rencontre/déjeuner d’ARASITA France (section sud-est) s’est tenue le 02 juin 2024 à Port-la-Galère. Evènement très agréable , parfaitement organisé par Patrick Scetbon et sous un plus beau soleil que ne laissait présager la météo. Voici quelque photos de cet évènement: https://wikisita.com/gallery/arasita-france/

06.05.2024: I have posted the story of the Skyform service (initially launched as SITAEDI): https://wikisita.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=7235&action=edit

30.03.2024: Voici les photos prises lors du déjeuner d’ARASITA France du 23 mars 2024 à Paris (les photos ont malheureusement été prises avant l’arrivée de René Azoulai) https://wikisita.com/gallery/arasita-france/

30.03.2024: Jack de Witte nous a transmis une série de photos relatives à la période ou il était en poste à RIO (vous pourrez retrouver notamment Mme Monniot, Castelo Branco, Nestor Gimenez) : https://wikisita.com/gallery/south-america/

30.03.2024: Andrée Haubert nous a fait parvenir le bulletin N° 45 d’ARASITA France: https://wikisita.com/groups/test-group/

06.02.2024: Pierre Flahaut has shared with us the memory and a photo of a computer training which he attended together with Bernard Leroy in 1967: https://wikisita.com/groups/archives/documents/

Jean-Pierre Gaudard has shared with us the memory of two events which have been part of his professional life at Sita and Equant: the hand-over of the management of the JV SITA Equant to Jack Norris and the celebration of the CAI DIS cutover: https://wikisita.com/gallery/those-were-the-days/


I have just been informed by Jacques Bernard that our friend and former colleague Bernard Leroy has just passed away on Monday 29 , shortly after his transfer to the hospital. Bernard was aged 94 (https://wikisita.com/deces-de-bernard-leroy-sita-apac/)

All those who have worked with Bernard remember his strong leadership, very professional attitude and benevolent mentorship. Bernard has also been a very active contributor to Wikisita , sharing many professional stories as well as souvenirs and films and documentaries from his numerous trips in Asia.

The funeral will take place at the church of Sireuil in Dordogne on February 2 and Bernard will be buried in the Sireuil cemetary.

If you wish to express your condolences to his family, you can contact his son Patrick  at pxleroy@icloud.com.

You can see testimonies from his friends and colleagues at: https://wikisita.com/the-demise-of-bernard-leroy-testimonies/

10.10.2023: Solly Dwek nous a transmis deux documents:

04.10.2023: Andrée Haubert nous a fait part , au nom du bureau d’ARASITA, de la disparition de notre collègue et ami Etienne Aujoulat, décès survenu le 23 septembre dernier à l’âge de 90 ans. Toutes nos pensées vont à sa famille et à ses proches et nous leurs exprimons nos plus sincères condoléances: https://wikisita.com/deces-de-notre-collegue-et-ami-etienne-aujoulat/

25.09.2023: Jack De Witte has forwarded us maps of the SITA network which were provided to him by South American colleagues and friends. These maps remind us that the nework, and SITA itself were constantly adapting to meet the needs of the airlines: https://wikisita.com/gallery/the-sita-network/

13.09.2023: Alain Pilette provided us with a very nice photo of the Legal team taken in the inside quadrangle of the Geneva building. A very smiling time indeed and a nice souvenir: https://wikisita.com/gallery/those-were-the-days/

13.06.2023: Le déjeuner ARASITA Sud-Est organisé par Patrick Scetbon, s’est tenu, comme de coutume à Port-la-Galère le 3 juin 2023, sous un beau soleil et devant une mer radieuse:

Compte-rendu et photos de Patrick Scetbon: https://wikisita.com/reunion-de-lara-sita-sud-est-le-3-juin-2023/

Sélection de photos de Jean-Michel Roullier: https://wikisita.com/gallery/arasita-france/

Photos transmises par Solly Dwek: https://wikisita.com/reunion-de-larasita-sud-est-du-3-juin-2023-a-port-la-galere/

15.05.2023: Les 12 et 13 mai un groupe d’environs 25 personnes s’est rencontré à Genève et comme 2023 est le 30 ième anniversaire de l’installation du siège de SITA dans cette ville, cela a donné l’intitué de notre rencontre. Voici le photo reportage: https://wikisita.com/gallery/photos-switzerland/ et aussi un bref compte-rendu de cette rencontre: https://wikisita.com/rencontre-arasita-a-geneve-en-2023/

Les photos sont également présentées dans une deuxième galerie avec des commentaires accompagnateurs du déroulement de cette trés sympathique rencontre: https://wikisita.com/site-gallery/test-a/

07.04.2023 : SITA Paris recently moved to new offices which I had the opportunity to visit. Benoît Vedel also kindly shared with us the photos taken on SITA’s day 1 at Carré Suffren. Here they are: https://wikisita.com/sita-new-office-in-paris/

10.03.2023: Benoît Vedel has posted the presentation he has prepared to say goodbye to the 112 offices during a Town Hall event held on 09 March 2023: https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=22/1678439133-FranceHybridTownhall09.03.2023.pdf

07.03.2023: Andrée Haubert a partagé avec nous des photos des centres de Wagram et Saint-Denis à Paris, sites antérieurs au 112:0 https://wikisita.com/avant-le-112-wagram-et-st-denis/

07.03.2023 Pierre Flahaut nous a transmis une photos des tous premiers temps du centre de Paris au 112, et illustrant la première commutation d’un message Type B par l’ordinateur Philips DS 714: :https://wikisita.com/temoignage-les-debuts-de-la-sita-au-112/

07.03.2023: Ray Roberts shares with us the video “Children of Tibet” which reports on the humanitarian aid trip to Tibet, a trip to which Ray participated in 2001: https://wikisita.com/childre-of-tibet/

02.03.2023: SITA Neuilly va trés prochainement quitter le “112” pour s’installer au 31-35 rue de la Fédération, dans le 15ème arrondissement à Paris (voir le nouveau site: https://www.carre-suffren-paris.com/

02.03.2023: Andrée Haubert, présidente d’ARASITA France nous a transmis le bulletin n°44 d’ARASITA France qui inclut en particulier le rapport moral et financier d’ARASITA France et en particulier le compte-rendu du déjeuner du 19 novembre 2022 qui s’est tenu dans le somptueux décors Art Nouveau de la Brasserie Mollard à Paris: https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=16/1677747287-BulletinFranceNo44fvrier2023.pdf

26.12.2022: ARASITA France has resumed its annual lunch meeting tradition. The event took place at the Brasserie Molard on 19 November 2022: https://wikisita.com/gallery/arasita-france/

25.11.2022: Ray Roberts shared with us a document about a humanitarian aid to children of Tibet trip which took place in 2001. A moving story! : https://wikisita.com/children-of-tibet/ . You will also find this document in the group: there is life after SITA: https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=27/1669369108-childrenoftibet.pdf

21.11.2022: Bernard Leroy has shared with us the memory of his first encounter with Khun Salak and subsequent work experience which extended over 30 years:https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=24/1669314809-KhunSalak.pdf


09.11.2022: Kamjad Keokajee informed us of the sad news that Salak Raksanaves, former BKKUZXS, has passed away on 06 November 2022 at the age of 88. We express our deepest condolences to his family and close friends: https://wikisita.com/sakak-raksanaves-passes-away-on-06-november-2022-condolences-and-testimonies/

13.10.2022: Jean-Pierre Gaudard has informed us that Antoine Puerto, a former Technical Director at SITA, has just passed away. Antoine Puerto has, among many other achievements, successfully led the transition from the HLN to the DTN. He was also appreciated for his warm and friendly personality. We express our most sincere condolences to his family and close friends: https://wikisita.com/antoine-puerto-condolences-and-testimonies/

05.10.2022: Chers Amis, vous trouverez dans la section ARASITA France, le bulletin ARASITA France n° 43 consacré au compte-rendu de la réunion d’hommage a Mr Claude Lalanne, réunion qui s’est tenue à Port-la-Galère le 25 juin 2022 en présence de membres de sa famille: https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=16/1664981459-BulletinFranceNo43septembre2022.pdf

07.08.2022: We have been informed that our friend and former colleague Richard Baumann passed away on 28 August 2022. Richard was 89 years old: https://wikisita.com/richard-baumann/

03.07.2022: Le 25 juin 2022 s’est tenue à Port-la-Galère une réunion sous l’égide d’ARASITA Sud-Est et dédiée à la mémoire de Claude Lalanne. Andrée Haubert a posté un bref compte-rendu de cette réunion: https://wikisita.com/arasita-south-east-meeting-of-june-25-2022-in-tribute-to-claude-lalanne/


Par ailleurs vous trouverez également dans la galerie photos (album ARASITA France) les photos prises lors de cette réunion :https://wikisita.com/gallery/arasita-france/

29.01.2022: Andrée Haubert nous a informé du décès de notre ami et ancien collègue Jacques Blet, survenu le 24 janvier 2022 à l’âge de 92 ans: https://wikisita.com/deces-de-jacques-blet-le-24-janvier-2022/

28.01.2022: Nous avons appris le décès le 21 décembre 2021 de notre ami et ancien collègue Alfred Weyers. Alfred avait rejoint Sita le 1er avril 1967 pour travailler dans l’équipe logiciel Univac et développer les logiciels HLN et LLN sur les systèmes 418 II a Francfort. Alfred a dirigé cette équipe. Il a ensuite occupé différents postes, aux études avec Georges Giraudbit en tant que responsable de la planification du réseau, à ITS/Equant sous la direction de Bernard Audeau, et a terminé sa riche carrière en tant que directeur du département NZ (Operational integration and support) le 30 avril 1997. Alfred avait une personnalité chaleureuse et souriante, apprécié de ses collègues et amis; par ailleurs, il pratiquait le sport assidument (triathlon, vélo) et était un passionné de musique classique. Nous exprimons à son épouse Margit, et à sa famille et ses amis nos plus sincères et vives condoléances.

03012022: Further to the publication of the article from The Economist, Peter Dallaway has forwarded us some more information about the sanctions Sita was facing from OFAC for not fully complying with the sanctions issued by the USA against Iran and some other countries:

OFAC’s recent investigation of SITA’s business revealed nearly 10,000 apparent violations of the Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations (“GTSR”) between April 2013 and February 2018. According to OFAC, in apparent violation of GTSR, SITA provided commercial services and software to Mahan Air, Syrian Arab Airlines, Caspian Air, Meraj Air and Al-Naser Airlines entities designated by OFAC on the list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (the “SDN List”) as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (“SDGT”) pursuant to Executive Order 13224.

Recent OFAC Enforcement Actions: Lessons for Aviation Industry

Note about OFAC:

Office of Foreign Assets Control – Sanctions Programs and Information

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) of the US Department of the Treasury administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on US foreign policy and national security goals against targeted foreign countries and regimes, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and other threats to the national security, foreign policy or economy of the United​ States.

29.12.2021: A recent article from The Economist mentions both Swift and SITA and explains that these organizations had to comply to demands from governments to disconnect users as part of plans to apply economic sanctions to some countries. This is a new situation for Sita, which in the past was able to maintain a neutral attitude despite conflicts between countries in which Sita was operating: https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=22/1640797502-SWIFTthinking.pdf

29.12.2021: Jean-Pierre Gaudard nous a transmis un article du journal le Monde ou il esat question de l’exposition d’instruments scientifiques anciens du musée Bernard d’Agesci de Niort. Ruedi Bebie qui a était co-créateur de cette section du musée de Niort auquel il a fait don de ses collections d’instruments scientifiques anciens est à ce titre mentionné dans cet article:https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=27/1640802263-EnseignerlaphysiqueauXVIIIesicle.pdf

19.11.2021: Neville Powell shared with us a mind-boggling video created in 1956 and exploring the future world. One prediction: a epidemic caused by a virus originating from Asia and spreading worldwide in 2020 because of long distance travel! Hard to believe! True or fake document?https://wikisita.com/site-gallery/cabinet-of-curiosities/

14.11.2021: Bernard Leroy is among the very few people who could visit Tibet and he shares with us a film he made during that trip : https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=24/1636916557-TIBET.pdf

02.11.2021: ARASITA France South-East chapter resumed its annual gathering and lunch at the nice Port-la-Galère resort on 02 October 2021.

See the nice pictures from this enjoyable event, as taken by Jean-Michel Roullier: https://wikisita.com/gallery/arasita-france/

21.09.2021: SITA communications February 1978. In this issue, again received by courtesy of Nick, a short presentation of Lucien Filbiche reminds us that he had produced a film on SITA. If you have any idea about whom we could contact to get a copy of this film, please contact me at Wikisita!https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=26/1632219335-SITAcommunicationsFeb1978.pdf

21.09.2021: SITA communications February, March, and April issues

Have a nice journey in SITA past with these three additional issues of this SITA magazine. Thanks again to Nick for providing them!https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=26/1632208842-SITAcommunicationsMar-May76.pdf

21.09.2021: SITA communications Jan and Feb 1976 were provided by Nick Morrell. Enjoy discovering the first issues of this publication, with a foreword from Georges Monniot and the presentation of a SITA manager in each issue.https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=26/1632208346-SITAcommunicationsJan-Feb76.pdf

20.10.2021: Friends enjoying the summer in Geneva: https://wikisita.com/enjoying-the-summer-in-geneva/

20.10.2021: SITA communications November 1981 ( Andrée Haubert kindled provided it): have a look at this issue of SITA communications and refresh your memory with SITA events in those times: cutover of RIO SP, inaugration of new office in ATL and many more: https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=26/1632145081-SITAcommunicationsNov1981.pdf

04.08.2021: Bill Wilson relayed the sad news from John Lockwood that Keith Parker, from Canada, passed away on 24 August. Keith had just celebrated his 89th birthday and suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. We express our deep condolences to his family and friends.

04.08.2021: Andrée Haubert informed us of the sad news about Jean-Paul Defrasne who passed away on 02 August 2021: https://wikisita.com/deces-de-jean-paul-defrasne/

Our thoughts are with his wife Chris and we express our condolences to his family and close friends.

26.06.2021: Richard Baumann informed us of the sad news about Hedi Krauer who passed away on 21 June 2021 after a long illness: https://wikisita.com/heidi-krauer-passed-awy-peacefully-on-21-june-2021/

23.06.2021: You will find, in the group “there is life after SITA”, a short report on the conference I had organized and which was held on 22 June as a webinar: https://wikisita.com/members/jkaliszewski/

You will also find a link to watch the recording of this conference.

21.06.2021: I have been informed that Patricia Dupasquier, who was in the HR department in Geneva in the lates 90’s and earlier 2000’s has passed away around one month ago. I remember a nice and always smiling person and I express my deep condolences to her family.

19.06.2021: We had the pleasure to meet in Geneva on June 19 2021 to celebrate the coming summer, the end of covid lockdown and an old and treasured friendship: https://wikisita.com/friends-meeting-in-geneva/


06.06.2021: Bernard Leroy has shared a document and video about a trip by train from Beijing to Lhasa, which he made in October 2011: https://wikisita.com/groups/far-east-1646272200/documents/

03.06.2021: Chers Amis, Nous venons d’apprendre le décès de notre collègue et ami Michel Pinelle. Nous n’avons pas d’autre information pour l’instant.

29.05.2021: Bernard Leroy has shared with us a very enjoyable video about springtime in his garden. We can admire magnificent blooming flowers and trees, many from Fart-East origin. Indeed watching this video is a very nice experience in this period where many of us were locked down due to covid: https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=24/1622205115-Springtimeandpandemic.pdf

16.04.2021: Brian Legget has advised us that our friend and former colleague in Singapore Richard Dorey passed away peacefully in his sleep at his home in North Wales on 12th April. We express our deep condolences to his family and close friends.

16.04.2021: I have posted the publication “SITA Nederland”, part of the bunch of documents kindly provided by Nick Morrell. This publication is about the celebration of the SITA Netherlands move to a brand new building in the early 90’s in Amsterdam: https://wikisita.com/groups/archives/documents/

13.04.2021: Bernard Leroy has shared a video of a visit to Bhutan made in 1994. Enjoy: https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=24/1618171384-bhutan-1994.pdf

13.04.2021: Please find the list of Wikisita members. This list is helpful if you wish to contact another member by using the Wikisita email (and therefore contact him without knowing their email): https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=22/1618319814-WikisitaMembers20210413.pdf

26.02.2021: Announcement: You can easily load videos ( mp4, flv, mpeg formats)! Just click on Members on Home page; then click on your name; select and click on Gallery and then on Create a Gallery; fill-in the required fields and click on Create; now just select the video you want to upload from your PC and you are done; you have created your gallery and loaded xyyour video. Have fun!

26.02.2021: Andrée Haubert a publié le bulletin n° 41 de février 2021 d’ARASITA France: https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=16/1614377025-BulletinFrancen41fvrier2021.pdf

26.02.2021: Nick Morrell shared with us some interesting documents about Sita’s history.Hereunder the booklet which was published in 1974, in celebration of Sita’s 25th anniversary in 1974. together with a letter sent by Georges Moniot to Mr Groves, then LONDR , with this booklet:






14.02.2021: Bernard Leroy posted in the Far East group the link to a video about “An Hui or the landscape of Chinese landscape painting”: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dt6sahfj86xu28d/An%20Hui.mp4?dl=0C

03.02.2021; Andrée Haubert informed us of the sad news that our friend and former colleague Jacques Rondeaux died on January 28th, following a fall: https://wikisita.com/jacques-rondeaux-est-decede-le-28-janvier-2021/


03.02.2021: Bernard Leroy shared with us videos of a trip made in the Falklands, South Georgia and Antartica: https://wikisita.com/?get_group_doc=24/1612362170-Falklands.pdf

11.11.2020: The following items were posted recently (all documents but the first are posted with some comments in the Wikisita Main group):

15.10.2020: Jean-Michel Kaliszewski posted a video about his participation in an embukai at Shiseikan /Meiji Jingu (tokyo) in October 2018: https://wikisita.com/video-home/

14.10.2020: Videos can loaded and shared on Wikisita: https://wikisita.com/video-home/

12.10.2020: photo galleries have been reloaded.

07.10.2020: A new corrected version of Wikisita has been put online. The photo galleries are no longer available and they will be recreated progressively.

07:10:2020: Une version nouvelle et corrigée de Wikisita a été mise en ligne. Les galeries photos ne sont plus disponibles. Elles seront recrées progressivement.

02.10.2020: Mansour Nasr has shared with us news about Beirut and SITA in Beirut, following the blast:Beirut and SITA in Beirut

02.10.2020: Mansour Nasr nous a donné quelques nouvelles de Beyrouth et de SITA à Beyrouth: SITA à Beyrouth

25.09.2020: Quelques souvenirs photos retrouvés: 

Wine tasting in Côte-Rôtie

Farewell Pierre Jamey

Farewell Joachim Brandt

Network Marketing Team 2002

25.09.2020: Jack de Witte partage avec nous un article à propos de la parution de son troisième ouvrage: La vache de Marie

25.09.2020: Bernard Leroy shares with us a film about the countryside in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) in 1965, at a time when the country was hit by a terrible economic crisis: Ceylon 1965

03.08.2020: Andrée Haubert nous a fait part du décès de Jean de Ladonchamps, ancien DRH de SITA: Jean de Ladonchamps

02.08.2020: Bernard Leroy a partagé avec nous un montage vidéo sur l’Indochine dans les années 1950-1955, période à la fin de laquelle il est lui même passé de la vie militaire à la vie civile, tout en gardant le lien avec l’aviation: Indochine 1950-1955

27.05.2020: Hilde Van Rossem shared a photo of the 50th anniversary of SITA:

Mr Lalanne and 50th anniversary of SITA

50th anniversary (photo gallery)

25.05.2020: Jean-Pierre Gaudard has shared with us some photos:

Claude Lalanne, The mysterious man

25.05.2020: Richard Baumann has shared with us a very nice album of the Sita Manila center dating back to July 1967: Sita Manila July 1967Sita Manila July 1967 (photo format)

25.05.2020: Claude Lalanne passed away: condolences and testimonies:

Memories from Pierre Jamey

Souvenirs de Pierre Jamey

Condolences from former SITA employees

21.05.2020: Claude Lalanne est décédé le 18 mai: Communiqué

Claude Lalanne passed away on May 18: News

12.05.2020: Neville Powell just informed us that David Rofe has passed away:David Rofe

12.05.2020: A SITA webinar on the “changing face of air transport post COVID-19“: Air transport post COVID-19

20.04.2020: Chantal Fraytet a partagé une photo avec Léon  Bonnet: Léon Bonnet

19.04.2020: Lionel Veyrier  a publié dans le groupe Wikisita Main: l’histoire du Dictionaire Technique SITA (en français et en anglais!): Technical Dictionary

12.04.2020: Bernard Leroy published in the Far-East group a document about a journey from Marseilles to Saigon and which was a confinement experience. The publication also includes a nice film about sailing down the Nile river: A Journey to the East

11.04.2020: List of wikisita members : List

Guidance for email function

08.04.2020: La disparition de Léon Bonnet a suscité une vague d’émotion et de sympathie. Témoignages: 

Cher Léon

07.04.2020: Au nom d’ARASITA France, Andrée Haubert a publié le communiqué ci-joint concernant le décès de Léon Bonnet: Décès de Léon Bonnet

06.04.2020: Notre ami et ancien collègue Léon Bonnet est décédé le samedi 4 avril, chez lui dans le sud de la France, des suites d’une longue maladie. Nous exprimons nos plus sincères condoléances à son épouse Michèle et son fils Jérome: Léon Bonnet

03.04.2020: Further investigation and testing on the “Error 404” problem enabled to understand and solve the issue: 

Error 404 (end)

02.04.2020: Jean-Michel Kaliszewski reports on working on an issue faced by some users when accessing wikisita: 

Error 404

26.03.2020: A post from Gérard Planque about a technique which may help prevent infection from the coronavirus :Jala Neti

26.03.2020: 140 reads on wikisita on March 14: Read more..

25.03.2020: Jean-Michel Kaliszewski added a new photo gallery: Those were the days

The first gallery is about a (presumably) ARASITA Switzerland meeting (code name for a dinner) held in April 2001 close to Geneva.

24.03.2020: Jacques Levasseur a publié deux documents de réflexions personnelles à propos de la situation actuelle du monde et de la crise que nous vivons avec la pandémie de coronavirus: Fable,  Air du Temps

24.03.2020: Jean-Michel Kaliszewski posted a recollection  from his stay in Japan which rings a bell in the current situation: Recollection from Japan

14.03.2020: La réunion/déjeuner /conférence prévue aujourd’hui à Genève a été annulée pour cause d’épidémie de coronavirus. Un petit groupe s’est néanmoins réuni au café Papon. Voici le compte-rendu: Déjeuner au café Papon, Genève

06.03.2020: We have heard a lot recently about Wuhan, but Bernard Leroy was there some time ago and he tells us about the city and its geographical location, and shares with us two videos showing us the scenery along the Yang Tse River and of Central China: Wuhan and the Yang Tse Jiang

15.02.2020: François Jean Beaumont a publié un nouveau roman policier dont voici l’annonce: AFFICHE BEAUMONT La bille en argile chg

01.02.2020: As announced earlier, ARASITA Switzerland organizes a meeting in Geneva on 14 March 2020 and including a lunch and a conference. Here are the program of this event and the registration information: ARASITA meeting Geneva 14 March 2020

Details about the conference: Conference

14.01.2020: Jean-Michel Kaliszewski published a new story:  VIP in Montevideo

Happy New Year to all of you and your beloved ones! 

04.12.2019: Jean-Michel Kaliszewski published the story of the Skyway service and his finding about a strange cargo flights:  Skyway

03.12.2019: ARASITA France held its annual GA and  festive lunch  on November 16th 2019 in Paris Porte d’Asnières. You will find in the photo section the pictures I have taken during this event: ARASITA Paris 2019

06.11.2019: Jean-Michel Kaliszewski shares his souvenirs of airline and air transport codes when working at SITA and IATA: Airline and air transport codes . You can also access the comments (one from Jean-Pierre and several from Bernard) on this article by clicking on the following link: Comments on airline codes article

07.10.2019 : Paul Donnelly celebrated his 70th birthday in July with old Sita friends: 70 ans de Paul Donnelly

27.09.2019: Bernard Leroy published an article on how Homo Sapiens discovered the Far East: Homo Sapiens in the Far East. This article goes together with two videos of trips made by Bernard Leroy, respectively in XinJiang and in Gobi Desert – Mongolia, both regions having played an important role in those early migrations of Homo Sapiens to the Far East.

25.09.2019: Visiting Ruedi Bebie in ST Remy de Provence: Visiting Ruedi in St Remy

26.08.2019: Elfriede Planque has tragically disappeared in Nepal two weeks ago: Elfriede Planque

26.08.2019: Our friend and former colleague Bernard Ruty passed away on 14th August 2019: Bernard Ruty

26.08.2019: Bernard Leroy shared the latest developments of a story which started in 1944 (see post “Lost in France”): Lost in France (continued)

15.06.2019: Jean-Michel Roullier shared the photos from the annual gathering of ARASITA sud-est in Port-la Galère: Port-la-Galère 2019

22.05.2019: Bernard Leroy published a short addendum to his recent article about Japan, completed by movies made during another trip there in 2000: Nara and Mikimoto Island in 2000

26.03.2019:  Neville Powell informed us of the sad news about Pelly Smith having passed away on 24th December 2018 : The passing of Pelly Smith

24.03.2019: Bernard Leroy published in the group “Far East” the story of “SITA’s lengthy journey to Japan”: SITA’s lengthy journey to Japan

Photos from Bernard of visits to Japan at that time can be found at: Photos from Bernard Leroy of visits to Japan

10.03.2019: Jean-Michel Kaliszewski published, in the group “There is Life after SITA”” a document entitled: Bridges Between Japanese and Western Ways of Thinking: the example of Spinoza”. This is a work done in preparation of his seven week stay at Shiseikan / Meiji Jingu in Tokyo in October / November 2018.

10.03.2019: Andrée Haubert a publié (groupe ARASITA France) le bulletin ARASITA n°39 de février 2019: Bulletin ARASITA n°39 février 2019

29.12.2017: Hugh Small added two very interesting articles about his activities in the group “There is life after SITA”: the first one about a “super-fast” telegraph transmitter  which was used during the Crimean war and with which he is making experiments and another about his recent project in the Sultanate of Oman. Indeed a “must read” for all wikisita fans: There is Life After SITA

16.12.18: A new group: “There is Life After SITA” has been created. Join the group and you will find a document posted by Ruedi Bebie: the electronic version of the catalogue just published about the collection of scientific instruments of the Bernard d’Agesci museum in Niort. This permanent exhibition consists of the personal collection of scientific instruments which Ruedi Bebie has donated to this museum: Objets scientifiques

16.12.18: The photos of ARASITA France lunch held in Asnières on november 3rd 208 can be found in the photo gallery: Déjeuner ARASITA France 2018

16.12.18: Our friend and former colleague Gérard Morin passed away during the night of november 7/8 2018 (see post for more details and photo of Gérard)

  • L’album photo des fêtes de Noël SITA s’agrandit avec cette nouvelle contribution d’Andrée Haubert: fête russe à la Direction Générale, rue Théodore de Banville, en 1965 selon le témoignage de Patrice Marois: Noël russe de SITA en 1965
  • Andrée Haubert nous a gracieusement fourni une photo de Georges Monniot et de responsables  SITA prise lors de la fête de Noël de 1958 au centre SITA de  Saint-Denis. Une personne présente sur la photo n’a pas été identifiée: saurez-vous la reconnaitre?:  Noël SITA 1958 . 
  • Bernard Leroy published two posts this week: 
  1. The link to the second part of the film about the journey to Greenland: A journey to Greenland – 2
  2. An update about the plane crash in 1944 that Bernard had witnessed: Lost in France (update)
  • Have you ever heard of split routing? This technique was implemented in the HLN to cope with the traffic increase in the late 70’s. Herewith the copy of the original article after I had woked on designing and implementing this technique: Split routing
  • Bernard Leroy published an article about the history of SITA in the Far East,  which is also personnal history for Bernard himself as he has been leading this development and was personnally involved in all major steps. A very interesting article! Read more: Establishing SITA in the Far East….
  • Grace à Françoise Monniot qui a signalé l’existence de ce film et à Andrée Haubert qui nous a relayé l’information, nous pouvons visionner un film qui relate l’expédition française au Groenland durant l’année polaire internationale 1932-1933 et à laquelle, Georges Monniot fondateur et premier directeur général de SITA a participé en tant que quartier maître: Georges Monniot au Groenland en 1932-1933
  • En juin 2017 je suis allé rendre visite à Ruedi Bebié à Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. Voici le récit de notre rencontre et de nos discussions:  Rencontre avec Ruedi à Saint-Rémy
  • Bouchaib Jallouli  nous a envoyé une photo de sa participation au Fitbit (semi-marathon de Paris) et propose, qu’à l’instar d’autres associations d’anciens, ARASITA organise des évènements sportifs pour la communauté des anciens: message de Bouchaib Jallouli
  • The opening of the Rangoon centre (including a video of Burma at that time), by Bernard Leroy: Far East group
  • Notre ami et ancien collègue Claude Biver est décédé le samedi 3 mars 2018: Claude Biver
  • Our friend and former SITA Aircom colleague Ulf Hallmann  has unexpectedly passed away on 11 February 2018: Ulf Hallmann

Un livre de notre ami et ancien collègue François Jean Beaumont:


Dear Friends,

Welcome to wikisita. At some time you have embarked on the SITA Odyssey. Then,  share your stories and experience at SITA with the community of former SITA colleagues. This is what this website is about. You can do so by uploading documents and scanned photos in your profile and then share them with the wikisita community. Do we have any tie or relationship with the current SITA company ? The answer is no, we are completely independant from the SITA SC company and our aim is to enable the collection and sharing of our experience and life at SITA.

Who are we ? A group of former SITA employees, currently based in Geneva worked on defining the project : Solly Dwek, Jean Michel Kaliszewski, Jean Pinhas and Patrick Servant. Then Jean Michel took over for the setting-up of the website, managing it and promoting it.


Join us and contribute with your documents and memories ! You can contact Jean Michel Kaliszewski for help or guidance for your publication.

You can also exchange with ex-colleagues and friends within a wikisita group on Facebook. You have to contact Jean Michel Kaliszewski on Facebook to do so.



Chers Amis,

Bienvenue à wikisita. Si à un moment donné vous avez fait partie de l’aventure SITA, alors partagez vos souvenirs de cette expérience avec la communauté de vos anciens collègues de SITA. Ce partage l’objectif de ce site. Vous pouvez le faire en téléchargeant des documents et des photos digitalisées et ensuite les partager, et ce à partir de votre profil sur ce site. Wikisita n’a aucun lien organisationnel ou financier avec l’actuelle compagnie SITA et ne vise pas à en documenter ses activités. Notre objectif est de permettre le recueil des expériences humaines qui ont fait l’histoire de SITA et d’en faire partager le témoignage.

Qui somme- nous ? Un groupe d’anciens de SITA, actuellement basés à Genève  se sonr réunis pour discuter du projet: Solly Dwek, Jean Michel Kaliszewski, Jean Pinhas, Patrick Servant. Ensuite Jean MIchel à fait développer le site, le gère et en fait la promotion auprès de la comunauté des anciens de Sita.

N’hésitez pas et venez contribuer avec vos propres témoignages et souvenirs ! Contactez Jean MIchel Kaliszewski si vous avez besoin d’aide ou de conseil pour votre publication.

Vous pouvez également échanger avec vos amis et anciens collègues au sein d’un groupe wikisita sur Facebook. Pour cela demandez l’accés à Jean Michel Kaliszewski sur Facebook

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